is your language?
2007-08-19 17:20:49 UTC
hard to learn.
I´m a german. And i want to learn france.
Cinq réponses:
2007-08-19 23:33:06 UTC
French is quite difficult to learn for people who speak german or english, I think the beginning is the most difficult. Once you have learned the basic vocabulary, it gets hard when you come to more complex sentences. The easiest way to get familiar with this language is to go to France and listen to the people.

Mit ein bisschen Mühe geht alles. Viel Glück!
2007-08-20 00:27:46 UTC
not easy but less hard than German
2007-08-20 00:32:45 UTC
tu as oublié ich liebe dich !! ja ja!
2007-08-20 00:35:41 UTC
2007-08-20 00:29:34 UTC
Macht can shiese, c'est tout ce que les allemands ont bien voulu m'apprendre

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